To set the properties to use an existing credential you need to set the following properties accordingly: CredentialMode: 3 CredentialId: the GUID of the credential you want to assign to the connection
With V5, we also have a new feature called Dynamic Folder which allows you to build your tree from a script by returning a special formatted JSON. This allows for nearly endless customizations and possibilities to be able to use external data within Royal TS/X with ease.
Alternatively, you could also use our "bulk edit' feature to change the credentials for multiple connections at the same time. You can find out how to do this here:
To set the properties to use an existing credential you need to set the following properties accordingly: CredentialMode: 3 CredentialId: the GUID of the credential you want to assign to the connection
With V5, we also have a new feature called Dynamic Folder which allows you to build your tree from a script by returning a special formatted JSON. This allows for nearly endless customizations and possibilities to be able to use external data within Royal TS/X with ease.
Alternatively, you could also use our "bulk edit' feature to change the credentials for multiple connections at the same time. You can find out how to do this here:
Stefan Wahl
Hi all,
I create a lot of connections for different customers.
Currently I import everything and afterwards I assign the necessary credentials to the connections.
1. Is there a way to do it with a separate field in the csv file directly without manually changing the connections?
2. Is it possible to generate subfolders automatically with a separate field in csv?
Hi Stefan,
I've seen you also created a support ticket. I will also include the ticket response here:
To find out which properties are available for each connection type, or for advanced scenarios check out the Scripting API documentation:
To set the properties to use an existing credential you need to set the following properties accordingly:
CredentialMode: 3
CredentialId: the GUID of the credential you want to assign to the connection
This can be done using the CSV import or the PowerShell API. A PowerShell sample script on how to build a connection file from a CSV can be found here:
With V5, we also have a new feature called Dynamic Folder which allows you to build your tree from a script by returning a special formatted JSON. This allows for nearly endless customizations and possibilities to be able to use external data within Royal TS/X with ease.
Here's an example for CSV:
Stefan Koell
Hi Stefan,
I've seen you also created a support ticket. I will also include the ticket response here:
To find out which properties are available for each connection type, or for advanced scenarios check out the Scripting API documentation:
To set the properties to use an existing credential you need to set the following properties accordingly:
CredentialMode: 3
CredentialId: the GUID of the credential you want to assign to the connection
This can be done using the CSV import or the PowerShell API. A PowerShell sample script on how to build a connection file from a CSV can be found here:
With V5, we also have a new feature called Dynamic Folder which allows you to build your tree from a script by returning a special formatted JSON. This allows for nearly endless customizations and possibilities to be able to use external data within Royal TS/X with ease.
Here's an example for CSV:
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