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Auto Fill in web page connection

I'm trying to configure auto fill in a web page connection. I have no problem with username and password but the login page expects a user to type those and the login button is disable unless I type something in the pre-filled username and password fields.

Any ideas on how to circunvent this?


Best Answer


there are a couple of scenarios where auto fill doesn't work, especially with weird javascript validations or multi step processes. We've compiled a KB article which explains some of those scenarios and how to handle them:

Maybe you can find a solution there...


Glad to hear that!


Thanks again! Your trick worked great! I click to get the focus and the key sequence task types the username/password and enter key. It is working :) Thanks again for your help!

I see. Those weird validation scripts can be a real pain! You may be able to get at least the semi automatic approach using the key sequence task. All you need to do is to manually focus the first text box using the mouse right after the key sequence was invoked (assuming you provide a long enough delay to get you to the first textbox). Then the key sequence task will kick in and fill out the rest. Not the best solution but better than nothing ;)

Thanks for referencing me to that KB article. unfortunately in my case it simply does not work due to some weird javascript validations. Basically the "Login" button is disabled until the form sees some keyboard activity filling username and password fields.

Until now, I found no way to circunvent this, not even with the key sequence - because the first field does not get the focus on page load.

Oh well, I will survive with that :) Thanks for having a great product as RoyalTS is!



there are a couple of scenarios where auto fill doesn't work, especially with weird javascript validations or multi step processes. We've compiled a KB article which explains some of those scenarios and how to handle them:

Maybe you can find a solution there...


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