Is there a menu option somewhere to restore from the document bu or preferences/config bu ? (sometimes after a zip-based upgrade, RoyalTS loses it all).
(yes, I have looked, but I could have missed it considering how feature rich this tool is)
Best Answer
Stefan Koell
about 6 years ago
Hi Andrew,
we don't have a UI for that but we do have this KB article which should help:
Is there a menu option somewhere to restore from the document bu or preferences/config bu ? (sometimes after a zip-based upgrade, RoyalTS loses it all).
(yes, I have looked, but I could have missed it considering how feature rich this tool is)
Hi Andrew,
we don't have a UI for that but we do have this KB article which should help:
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Sorted by Oldest FirstStefan Koell
Hi Andrew,
we don't have a UI for that but we do have this KB article which should help:
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Stephan Haiderer
And how does it work for the Server? I want to move the Server to another
Stefan Koell
Hi Stephan,
this forum post is for Royal TS for Windows. To avoid confusion, I kindly ask you to post this question in the Royal Server forum.
Thank you for your understanding!
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