I am trying to setup an external application that can be loaded with external arguments, however it seems not possible to pass the $URI$ as for a command task. Can this be added as a feature please?
Best Answer
Patrik Kernstock (Archived)
about 7 years ago
Hi Raffaele,
I just was able to get it working here. I guess you're creating a usual External Application-connection, and not a ExtApp-template - right? You can create templates via "Ribbon -> Templates -> Add new Template -> External Application". Then it's working just fine - see my attached screenshot.
you're right. External apps do not use the $URI$ field. If you want to access the command, the arguments or the working directory, you can use the following tokens:
Let me know if this helps.
Raffaele Vigliotti
about 7 years ago
Thank you Stefan. What would it be the syntax to use if I want to pass the $URI$ to an external argument for an external app? Could you please provide an example?
Stefan Koell
about 7 years ago
Are you referring to an External App Template Connection? If so, you can use $URI$ and if you are using the template based on a web page or a remote desktop connection, it will be passed on to the new connection (based on that template) with the values (URL or computer name) of the context connection.
can you please create a new test document, containing one example connection (same type as your context connection) and your iLO template and upload the document here? Then I'm trying to re-produce it here :)
Raffaele Vigliotti
about 7 years ago
Hello Patrik, I can't do that unfortunately. However, it's very easy to reproduce: are you able to pass $URI$ anywhere using any kind of external application, in the arguments? I'm afraid not and this needs to be addressed in a RoyalTS update
Patrik Kernstock (Archived)
about 7 years ago
Hi Raffaele,
I just was able to get it working here. I guess you're creating a usual External Application-connection, and not a ExtApp-template - right? You can create templates via "Ribbon -> Templates -> Add new Template -> External Application". Then it's working just fine - see my attached screenshot.
i think you are right and it makes sense. I've recreated it as a template but when I try to initiate a connection as shown in your screenshoot, this time it attempts to connect but then it just disconnect straight away. I don't see anything in the logs that can be useful to troubleshoot, any hints would be great.
Pls see attachment that shows how I setup the external application template.
Another quick question, if possible. Since iLO credentials are different from the RDP ones for a specified server, I wanted to use the template with another set of credentials. If i use $effectiveusername$ and $effectivepassword$ it uses the one saved for the connection i'm running the template against. Is there a way to use another set of credentials? I've tried with the custom properties, but it does not work.
Patrik Kernstock (Archived)
about 7 years ago
You can use "$this.EffectiveUsername$" and "$this.EffectivePassword$" within the template object to get the credentials of the template object itself, instead of the context connection. So you'll define the credentials for each iLO template, would that also help?
Raffaele Vigliotti
about 7 years ago
Patrik, you are a star! It works like a charm, thank you!
Raffaele Vigliotti
I am trying to setup an external application that can be loaded with external arguments, however it seems not possible to pass the $URI$ as for a command task. Can this be added as a feature please?
Hi Raffaele,
I just was able to get it working here. I guess you're creating a usual External Application-connection, and not a ExtApp-template - right? You can create templates via "Ribbon -> Templates -> Add new Template -> External Application". Then it's working just fine - see my attached screenshot.
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Sorted by Oldest FirstStefan Koell
you're right. External apps do not use the $URI$ field. If you want to access the command, the arguments or the working directory, you can use the following tokens:
Let me know if this helps.
Raffaele Vigliotti
Thank you Stefan. What would it be the syntax to use if I want to pass the $URI$ to an external argument for an external app? Could you please provide an example?
Stefan Koell
Are you referring to an External App Template Connection? If so, you can use $URI$ and if you are using the template based on a web page or a remote desktop connection, it will be passed on to the new connection (based on that template) with the values (URL or computer name) of the context connection.
Raffaele Vigliotti
Hello Stefan, I'm specifically following up https://support.royalapplications.com/support/discussions/topics/17000006713
I've created a new external application (see attachments).
$URI$ does not work, I just see $URI$ in the field when i launch the app, while "username" and $CustomField11$ works fine as you can see
any idea on how can I make $URI$ work as well there?
Patrik Kernstock (Archived)
Hi Raffaele,
can you please create a new test document, containing one example connection (same type as your context connection) and your iLO template and upload the document here? Then I'm trying to re-produce it here :)
Raffaele Vigliotti
Hello Patrik, I can't do that unfortunately. However, it's very easy to reproduce: are you able to pass $URI$ anywhere using any kind of external application, in the arguments? I'm afraid not and this needs to be addressed in a RoyalTS update
Patrik Kernstock (Archived)
Hi Raffaele,
I just was able to get it working here. I guess you're creating a usual External Application-connection, and not a ExtApp-template - right? You can create templates via "Ribbon -> Templates -> Add new Template -> External Application". Then it's working just fine - see my attached screenshot.
Raffaele Vigliotti
Hello Patrik,
i think you are right and it makes sense. I've recreated it as a template but when I try to initiate a connection as shown in your screenshoot, this time it attempts to connect but then it just disconnect straight away. I don't see anything in the logs that can be useful to troubleshoot, any hints would be great.
Pls see attachment that shows how I setup the external application template.
Raffaele Vigliotti
Patrik, many thanks! That's exactly right!
Another quick question, if possible. Since iLO credentials are different from the RDP ones for a specified server, I wanted to use the template with another set of credentials. If i use $effectiveusername$ and $effectivepassword$ it uses the one saved for the connection i'm running the template against. Is there a way to use another set of credentials? I've tried with the custom properties, but it does not work.
Patrik Kernstock (Archived)
You can use "$this.EffectiveUsername$" and "$this.EffectivePassword$" within the template object to get the credentials of the template object itself, instead of the context connection. So you'll define the credentials for each iLO template, would that also help?
Raffaele Vigliotti
Patrik, you are a star! It works like a charm, thank you!
Patrik Kernstock (Archived)
You're welcome, Raffaele! :)
Patrik (Star)
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