Hey all, I currently have a license for V2 and was wondering what I'm really getting paying for another license for V4?
The thing I'm mainly curious about is the speed of creating/editing objects within Royal. V2 is painfully slow at times. Is V4 any faster? I honestly don't use many of the advanced features - Mainly just RDP, Ad Hoc, etc.
Thanks in advance.
Best Answer
Stefan Koell
almost 7 years ago
The best way is to just test it ;) You can download and run all versions of Royal TS without a license key (10 connections/10 credentials limit). If you need an eval license key, feel free to contact us.
1 Comment
Stefan Koell
almost 7 years ago
The best way is to just test it ;) You can download and run all versions of Royal TS without a license key (10 connections/10 credentials limit). If you need an eval license key, feel free to contact us.
Matthew Audette
Hey all, I currently have a license for V2 and was wondering what I'm really getting paying for another license for V4?
The thing I'm mainly curious about is the speed of creating/editing objects within Royal. V2 is painfully slow at times. Is V4 any faster? I honestly don't use many of the advanced features - Mainly just RDP, Ad Hoc, etc.
Thanks in advance.
The best way is to just test it ;) You can download and run all versions of Royal TS without a license key (10 connections/10 credentials limit). If you need an eval license key, feel free to contact us.
Stefan Koell
The best way is to just test it ;) You can download and run all versions of Royal TS without a license key (10 connections/10 credentials limit). If you need an eval license key, feel free to contact us.
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