Hi Christoph,
the main reason why we didn't implement it for embedded connections is that the text on the tab is then usually quite long and occupies most of the space. So from a UX perspective it doesn't make much sense to enable this for embedded tabs. Let's leave this discussion open and if more users also want to see this implemented, I can investigate if that's possible.
Christoph K
When I connect to a SSH server with PuTTY, its window title changes according to my username, the server hostname, and the current path I'm in. Royal TS v7 currently only displays the connection name as was defined for the connection.
But Royal TS also exposes this PuTTY setting under
Properties - Advanced - Features - "Disable Remote-Controlled Window Title Change" -- However it only seems to have an effect when connecting in an external window.
Royal TSX got this feature a while ago, would it be possible on Windows too? https://support.royalapps.com/support/discussions/topics/17000011215