Thanks for sharing your theme! Looks really nice!
My pleasure, Catppuccin is an official theming standard with over 394 ports for different applications.
If I ever get the time I'll try to do the other 3 flavours and this way I could submit it officially to Catppuccin.
Wanted to update this thread since it's what inspired me to get started porting other themes and ended up joining forces with @gravelfreeman. All Catppuccin themes are now available for Royal TS!
Aweome job! I really like the look and feel. Thanks for sharing!
little. note
Here's my contribution to RoyalTs. Currently, it's only available in the Frappe flavor, as I couldn't find an external theme sheet for the colors. The provided
file customizes the terminal ANSI colors, while the theme itself is linked separately. If Royal TS ever supports.rtcp
files for interface themes, I'll gladly build and support the other three flavors!
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