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Feature Request: Proxmox

Hi-  Since Broadcom's take over of VMware - lots of folks are looking for an alternative like Proxmox.

It would be cool to have the same VM view as VMware does for ProxMox.

I love the product!


16 people like this idea

Just commenting to boost this request. Proxmox is gaining in market share and I find it great for running on high resource servers that too old to run the latest ESXi.

In addition to this, adding a SPICE plugin for Proxmox would also be a pretty cool thing to do.

2 people like this

UP ! i voted for this !
Royal TS is a nice product, keep it up !


SPICE sounds promising, also. +1

1 person likes this

+1 Will also migrate existing infrastructure to Proxmox, would be cool to have integration in RoyalTS


Yes, Proxmox integration would be sweet.


Proxmox, please!

UP, We also looking for an alternative since broadcom took over VMWare... And Proxmox seems cool.
Would be nice to have it in RoyalTS...

+1 for Proxmox

+1 for Proxmox VE integration.

In the mean time the Proxmox VE web UI already works quite well with the plugin Web Page (Chrome), except when connecting to VM consoles via SPICE.

This could be resolved by adding the option to open certain files right after downloading them (i.e. the virt-viewer configuration file with the extension ".vv"), as per suggestion Web Page (Chrome): Configure file download behaviour (prompt/auto save/auto open). Please upvote.


+1 for Proxmox Integration

+1 for proxmox and spice, please!!!!

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