However, the default PowerShell script fails despite being identical in end JSON layout.
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
Objects = (
Type = "Credential";
Name = "Root";
Username = "root";
Password = "!ehrfew9fe9gew7rgew@";
ID = "000001";
Path = "/Credentials";
Type = "Folder";
Name = "Connections";
Objects = @(
Type = "TerminalConnection";
TerminalConnectionType = "SSH";
Name = "VM01";
ComputerName = "vm01";
CredentialID = "000001";
} |
ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 |
The error received is as follows (provided as an image and text just in case):
An error occurred while parsing the output of a dynamic folder's script: Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: P.Path", line 0, position 0.
Corey Keller
The default JSON works as expected.
However, the default PowerShell script fails despite being identical in end JSON layout.
The error received is as follows (provided as an image and text just in case):