Hi Benedikt,
sorry for the late reply! Actually we do have such functionality on our roadmap. But I can't offer any ETA yet.
Is this available yet ?
Hi Terence,
unfortunately not. It had been pushed back all the time because this topic wasn't very active. I will keep this open to see if there's an increase of interest. I guess most people with a huge amount of sessions probably just wrote a small powershell script to import all the sessions.
Just in case it's useful to anyone i adapted the RoyalTS tutorial doc to work with a SuperPutty Sessions file.
Just export from SuperPutty to sessions.xml or whatever and use this scr1pt.
It assumes you have installed the RoyalDocument.PowerShell module into your session.
Thanks for sharing, Richard! Much appreciated!
Benedikt Blömer
as the support told me, there is a function to import saved Putty Sessions.
Now, it would be great to import all saved Putty Sessions to RoyalTS at once.
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