I wonder if this feature has been removed again, as I can only set a DPI scale factor that are honored if the host screen is in HiDPI mode.
If I run native screen resolution in LoDPI I seems forced to 100% in the remote connection.
But would be really nice to run MacOS native but remote connection scaled, as I have a none retina display and Windows just handles non integer scaling much better that Apple.
On the FreeRDP Plugin I see no option for scale factor.
Using newest version of Royal TSX and FreeRDP plugin...
This is now available in the latest beta (
As usual, you can get the beta here: https://www.royalapplications.com/go/kb-ts-mac-downloadbeta
This is already supported on Retina screens and we'll update our FreeRDP plugin to include support for setting the scale factor even on non-Retina screens in the next update.
Daniel Bahl
Microsoft has been supporting setting the DPI of a Windows Remote Session for the last couple of years, and other apps like Microsofts own Remote Desktop Client and Jump Desktop has implemented this feature.
I really miss this setting from Royal TSX. This is supported on the Windows-version of Royal TS, but still not on the Mac.
I hope you can implement this feature in the near future.
Example screenshot from Jump Desktop, where this feature is called "Desktop Scale":
Thank you